Ashwagandha Extract Complex by SWAN LIFE
Withania Somnifera, also known as Ashwagandha is a type of nightshade shrub. It is typically found in drier climates like India, Nepal, Yemen and Sri Lanka. The plant is overall rather short, only reaching 14-30 inches tall. The leaves are a muted green color and the flowers are a green bell-shape. Once the fruit ripens, it will present with a vibrant orange-red color.
Ashwagandha is cultivated around 150-180 days after it is planted when the plant starts to flower and fruit and when the leaves begin to dry out. The roots are then carefully dug up, washed, cleaned, cut, and set to dry out in the sun. The berries are also harvested for their seeds.
The consumption of Ashwagandha Extract has many possible benefits:
Studies have shown that Ashwagandha Extract may reduce symptoms in those with diagnosed anxiety disorders. In a 6-week long study, those who took Ashwagandha extract reported an anxiety reduction of 69% compared to the control group that reported only an 11% reduction.
Ashwagandha Extract can improve heart health by lowering cholesterol levels. Studies in both humans and animals found that the consumption of Ashwagandha Extract can significantly lower levels of blood fat.
Various human studies encourage the claim that Ashwagandha Extract may reduce blood sugar levels in both healthy consumers and those with diabetes. One study suggested that it helped increase the body’s natural insulin secretion and helped insulin sensitivity in muscle cells.
Ashwagandha Extract can help boost testosterone and male fertility. In a study of 75 men experiencing infertility, the addition of Ashwagandha Extract showed an increase in sperm count and an increase in overall testosterone levels.
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